How's your week been? I recently read Monty and Sarah Don's book 'The Jewel Garden' where they both write movingly about his experience of depression. Monty talks here about how difficult this time of year is for him, "to put it mildly - spirits drop. November and December are there to be endured". He describes the power of a single life-affirming day during these difficult months "went outside at first light and everything coated in white. The fennel heads extraordinary - worth keeping - in fact, worth growing them - just for this effect, even if it is only one day in the autumn". It's a wonderful book.
Here are some links from around the web...

This is a brilliant, free, 20 minute suicide prevention course aimed at all of us. This course helps people feel confident to talk about suicide with people who they are worried about. It could be a stranger, or someone you know. Well worth 20 minutes of your day. Free 20 minute suicide prevention course, Zero Suicide Alliance
8 simple ways to be kinder to yourself, Pure Thoughts
Hannah Gadsby on getting diagnosed with autism
A clinical psychologist on her daughter being diagnosed with depression and anxiety, The Psychologist
Do you recognise any of these aspects of emotional maturity? School of Life
Take care of yourself