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Therapy Thursday


Updated: Aug 22, 2019

How's your week been so far? However the week has gone, I hope there has been some time to take a breath, pause and rest.

Here are some stories from around the web this week.

The role of community in managing anxiety

Last week the UK government spent more than £57,000 distributing food packaging with anti-knife crime messages inside them to chicken shops across England and Wales.

The campaign was branded “embarrassing” and “borderline racist” by critics, while Labour MP David Lammy said it pushed “the stereotype that black people love fried chicken.” In response to the controversial campaign, @wordonthecurb sent these boxes to the Home Office containing solutions for tackling knife crime made by the public.

Suggestions included interest-free business loans for young people at risk, specialised officers in schools and investment in education and youth services.

How the environment we live in can impact our mental health and the psychological impact of climate change

New research highlighting the higher percentage of negative life events experienced by people with ASC, links these experiences to higher rates of anxiety and depression.

2018 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege has devoted himself to treating the victims of abuse by Congolese rebels and ending the use of sexual violence as a weapon of armed conflict — all at considerable personal risk and cost. In this conversation, he is joined by acclaimed actor, activist and Global Goodwill Ambassador for U.N. Women Emma Watson. They discuss his work, philanthropy and what we can all do to bring about a safer, fairer future for women and girls.

Helen MacDonald, who wrote the wonderful book, H is for Hawk, on the grief she experienced after her father died. In this clip she is reflecting on training her new hawk and what this experience is bringing up for her now.

We can experience loneliness and isolation in very different ways. This Guardian article

highlights differences between chronic loneliness and life transitions.

Take care

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